Our Special Day

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Some one reminded me that Fathers Day is coming up soon. It got me thinking of my own Father. I was only with my Father & Mother until I was 8 years old. I don’t have any memories of celebrating the Day while I was with my parents.

From 8 – 13 years old I lived with Nuns and needless to say there was no Fathers Day but I did send Cards to my Dad.

I live in a foster home for 3 years until I was 16. The Father there and I did not get along. I always felt like he was looking for an excuse to get mad at me. We did celebrate the Day for him but I felt forced to. I never could consider him my Father. Nevertheless, I called him Dad out of respect.

I was on my own from 16 and always tried to de with my real Father on Fathers Day. Usually I would give him money, tie or something like that. It didn’t take much to make him happy. One year I got him some dentures. He had been hinting around and Fathers Day was only a week away so I gave him the $850 need to get them. I owed him for all the years I was unable to even write or call him.

My Dad passed away in ‘97 so I can’t really do much now. I do think of him not only on that Day, but on many. I sadly have not been able to bring myself to visit his grave. It just bring me down to far. Especially because my Mom is buried next to him. I also have a relative and one of my best friends from the 8th grade on the next row with in view of my parents. It almost make cry just typing this. It bring out many different emotions. Oh yeah, I just rembered, my Dads birthday is June 13th.

I am hoping my ex-wife won’t be mad at me this year and “allows” my Son to write me a card or something. I have miss a few years but I know he thinks of me everyday. There is not much I can do about it so it doesn’t hurt too bad. Just being his Father is the best Fathers Day gift I could ever get From him. It feels different being on the Fathers side of Fathers Day It makes the day even more special to me.

Do you have a unique Fathers Day experience?

I’d love to hear it since I have very few of my own, thanks…tg/logansdaddy

6 Replies to “Our Special Day”

  1. Well, I posted it in your comments section as well, but I’ll post it here as well.Happy birthday and happy father’s day!!! 🙂 🙂

  2. I am recently divorced with a 6 year old son; I can’t imagine how someone could hold such animosity as to punish the children and take away the other parent’s joy. I hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day this year and hopefully one day the ex will realize what she is doing not only to you but to your son. He does think of you every day, I am sure of it. I have full time custody of my son and he speaks often of his Dad…it is very hard on both ends. God Bless you.Jenn

  3. When I was kid, I dreaded special occasions, especially Christmas…but when I became a mother myself,oh man, everything changed a lot…motherhood changed me a lot! Gone are days when I dread as if there is an empending doom come special occasion….Now I’m even more excited to plan for these special days…Thanks to my wonderful husband and lovely daughter they made life meaningful…And I thank God for them.

  4. This is my first visit to your site, I think you are one heck of a good dad who needs his son as much as his son needs him…….Happy Fathers day and Happy B-Day!

  5. I hope that your Fathers Day is special and full of love. I can understand your feelings of the past and I wish that there was something that could change that but, know that there are alot of people that support you. I have been divorced for fifteen years and there hasnt been a male figure in my sons lives for that amount of time. I dont hate or dislike him for not stepping forward to be their father,but I have also made it aware that hes always welcome to see them. I have been the sole provider for my children in the way of being the parent. I have had little financial support to help with their upbringing. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have the best to come in the future and be strong. Your children are the only thing that matters in this life. They are beautiful and hold them dearly for as long as you can they are only little for a little while. I know that some of what I have said dont relate to your message I just wanted to voice my concern and admiration to you. I also hope that someday she will see the damage that its causing to you and your son. Emotional and Mentally theres going to be a scar its something that cant be avoided. I send you my best wishes and love as well. My God Bless you and your family always. Shanna

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