Today was my sons bday (03-09-99)
I had to wait until my ex-wife was at work to call. I can have a normal civil conversation with her boyfriend. She like to argue about everything. Mostly things I have no control over. I if I don’t play her "game" She would not let me talk to him even if it is b’day. I am safer calling him.
She gave me hell for buying him a video game & made me take it back from him. My son told me she bought him one anyway!. She is so inconcsistant.(see post on 3-6-05 for more on video hell)
All in all, he had another good B’day and for that I am happy!
til next time – t
I just wanted to say thank you for writing down your life because it has made me realize how much it affects fathers. I always thought that most Dad’s don’t care and they are all deadbeat’s but I was wrong! Good luck and my prayers are with you!