It’s been a while!
Hello all,
I got court papers today. fron my ex. She claims I havent been following the rules of our court ordered visitation.
As always she lied! She said :
1) I dont call on the thurs. before my sat.visit to tell her i’ll be there. I do! if I didn’t she would refuse to let me see him. i always call!
2) I don’t have a 3rd party w/ me during visit. I don’t know why this is in place anyway, but I dont drive and my bro-inlaw drivesme to-from visits. My sis. is there at her house w/me & my son always. I always have "3rd party" present anyway.
3) and more about pick-up times & where we go, all lies.
I have to file a written response whitin 20 days or she gets her way. They will make me send three certified letters out to her, the state, and to the court. @ 4-5$ each. Plus i have to catch the bus into town. it sucks. All for lies.
I’m going to ask my bro-inlaw if he could help me prove i follow the rules. Maybe come to court w/me or something, if he can afford to loose a days pay.
i got an e-m from my bro. He is realy doing great in his career. He has to tatke some test to advance and was just letting me know everything is ok out there where he is. I told him about this blog. He thought it was a good idea for me. He may be moving closer soon. I hope so!