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 HI, lots new to write about. I actually quit smoking about a 45 days now. I wanted to wait a while before I wrote about it. It got too much of an expense that I could not afford them any more, not to mention that my son asked me out of nowhere to quit. It kind of got to me that he asked. In DE the price of cigs went up 60 cents per pack. I bought the cheapest brand @ $2.50 pp. It would now cost $3.10 pp. I saved 45 X 3.10 = $139.50 and did not smoke 900 cigs. The most important thing is that I hope I was able to show my son that he means more to me than the cigs. I will have to give him praise for being my inspiration to quit. I have him this weekend, we’ll talk.

His mom and I signed him up for “flag” football, we were about him getting hurt or hurting someone else’s kid. I went to his first practice last Wed. eve and took some pics and video. I will try to ad them here, he has on red shorts and #10 on t-shirt. He wanted to do something because his younger brother is in a, I think, t-ball league.

He is doing good in school and seems to be happy with his classes but say they are too easy. He can multiply and divide single digits #. They are still adding and subtracting stuff.

My car had a coolant leak so I took it to a garage to find out what was up, they said water pump and wanted $400. I told they I’d think about it and he charged me $20. I bought the pump for $47.90 @ Auto Zone and put it in my self. After about 6 hours of work I was done, it was in. I filled up coolant and went for a ride for about a few miles and when I got back home, guess what IT STILL LEAKS!!!! I have about 50 assorted cut and gashes on my hands and forearms from what seem like a well thought out design of how to put a sharp edge every where someone might have to put their hand to repair there own car. I have little feeling in my fingers and kept dropping the bolts. I’ll let you know how it works out…tom g


3 Replies to “I QUIT!!!”

  1. Good morning Tom,
    I am just stopping by to say "hi" and see how things going for you.I read your last entry, you seem not to have a lot of lock with your car eh? It’s great though that your son is having fun in Sports, I want to sign my son up for hockey, will see if I will be able to do this this year because it’s quite expensive.
    I will be back for more reading maybe tonight or tomorrow night, I am so busy, gon’t know if I am coming or going.
    Have a wonderful day, Tom!!!

  2. Thank you so much for your kind and positive words.  How sad is it that the bad stuff is easier to believe.  I know that I am an intelligent woman, just wondering why I keep making stupid choices when it comes to men.  Don’t worry about me.  I’m keeping busy….. 

  3. Glad to see you back to blogging! Glad to hear all is well with your son! Are you still smoke free? I wish my mom would quit! She’s a nurse and should know better….plus here they cost $9.65 a pack…so who can afford to smoke anyways?

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