I CAN’T THINK of what to write as an "answer" to the "rule to show cause" my ex-wife filed in court.(more-3/13 entry) Once again I find it hard to write anything "bad" about her. Even though I know she is lying about everything in her court papers, she is my sons mom. It is extremely difficult for me to seperate my bad feelings towards her and the "respect" I have to give her as the mother of my son. I guess I dont’t want to get her in trouble. This was the same reason I decided not call the cops her when, for 1 example, she had a kitchen knife to my neck threatening to kill me if I talked to her mom on the phone. Crazy, but true ! She, on the other hand, does and says anything to make me look bad even if she has to make it up. How can I call her a flat out liar, with out making her look bad or maybe get my kids mom in trouble. I find the "drilled in" respect women thing that I was raised to show at all times. Protecting them from harm is one example "taught" to me by the Nuns I lived with from 76-83?. I must find the fine line between defending my own honor & integrety and showing my ex’s true face. I’m realizing I can not have it both ways.
well thats what up for now. i’ll be re-writing my answer 4 ct all night. i hate writing! by tg
Oh dear …not sure what to say to that. There has to be a balance.