“Dad, can you get me a trumpet?”

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Hi , Now i know it has been  while but thats to be taken as a “good” sign. I only seem to write alot when things are not “good”. This is an exception. My son was asked if he wanted to play something in music class and he choose to try the trumpet. His first choice was the sax but there was only openings left for trumpets.
 The school has a local music store it works with so when I picked him up from school for our visit, we went right to the store. I let him pick out a new one. I am only renting to buy in case he changes his mind later I can just switch it. I will own something at the end of payments.
  omg he was sooo excited he could not stop looking at it and blowing through it. I feel sorry for his moms neighbors….(not).
 A few weeks ago my son had to get 4 teeth pulled and spacer things put in. I told him to let me know if he wanted me to be there w/his mom by his side for support because he was a little scared the week before. He was so cute because he told me sorry for not needing me there but I said not to say sorry for being brave. I let him know how proud of him I was and how chicken I was when I was his age. I was so bad I bit the dentists finger bad and she was bleeding. When she came back in w/3 people to hold me down, she pinched me hard causing me to yell. I opened my mouth to yell more and she jammed a rubber block way back in there to hold my mouth open so I would not bit her again.
Well… I will try to write more …good or bad…tom g

3 Replies to ““Dad, can you get me a trumpet?””

  1. How is he liking the trumpet?  That’s great that the store allows a rent to own program.  I don’t think they had one when I was lil.  Anyways that to funny about the dentist….How old were ya when this happened?   I miss talking with ya… I know I haven’t been on in ages but you know what its like.  I am hoping to get on a lot more now, now that Paiden is in school.  Hope to hear from ya soon.  Take care.Angi

  2. I big bro,your message is show what a  gentleman you are,  i got it what your meaning.
     i will often visit your space and pay attentions on your & M.V.P.
    I love here!

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