I have done some dumb things in my life but today wins the prize. I went into court thinking today was the 19th but thats is tomorrow. I went all the way into town for nothing. Not only that , but I have to do it all over again tomorrow. I was up all night thinking about what I was going to say. I guess I can sleep tonight now that I have every thing thought out. Only about half of what I want to discuss is "allowed". I want to ask for her not to be allowed to take him out of state but because the hearing is for support modification the judge may not want to hear about any thing but that. He/She will tell me to file for that separate. I have the papers filled out now just in case so I won’t have to waste time after.
Well, ’til tomarrow…tom g
Everyone does things like that. I have forgotten dates more than I would have liked too. Good luck with the legal battles and keep your head up.
Tom,I have done things like that too. Good luck to you tommorw I will keep you in my prayers tonight.
I have done that before.. unfortunatly, I went a day late, instead of a day early… :(I will be thinking of you and will check in tomorrow.. good luck.. and breathe 🙂
Well, better early than late. And it’s better to get some sleep anyway. Good luck with the hearing! I’ve noticed that dad’s have a harder time with custody battles, but if you’re prepared and ready for anything, then you’ll do fine.
Hope your day in court went in favor of you Tom.I do things like that all the time forget what day it is.One time I came home from work and woke up at 5 in the night and it looked like it was the early morning and thats what Ime I went into work. I jumped up and thought om god Im going to be late. I run and get dressed and guess what I was a whole 24 hours early.Shit happens.Talk with you soon.Friends,Patty
Hello there,Hope everything went well today…Take careKeppiegirl
hey i hope evrything went well in court for you …..good luck
hi hope it all went well lol what did you do lol (u dnt ave 2 answer lol)
Can’t wait to hear how things went Tom. And I certaintly hope the judge will hear you out about not wanting your ex to take your son out of state… how on earth would that work? Certainly not well for you and your son… and probably not for her either considering her serial realtionship past. Keep fighting for whats right. Bye for now!April
Better a day early than a day late. Sounds like you’re enjoying the same fun things that I am.
Don’t beat yourself up, youa re under a lot of stress, anyone can make a mistake. I sending positive energy your way and hope your court date went well.Blessings,Sabine
good luck. at least it was before rather than after the date…
good luck!! no wait, How did it go? I hope it went good for you. I had to think myself what day it was