I rember when the last Pope was chosen. 1978, I was 11 and living w/catholic Nuns. I had a unique insite into what made this Pope so special. Most of the Nuns who raised me were from Poland or had Polish "blood". Seeing the way they all celebrated w/joy and pride. I can rember the happiness in all their hearts. I could fill a book with all the ways the Nuns expressed the overwhelming feeling for the 1st Polish & 1st non-Itallian Pope in 455 years. so I will just point out some of the things I was told about him. There is much more than I know. If anyone has more info about the Late Pope John Paul II please add it using the "comments" feature to add your thoughts.
Here are a few thing I know : born in 1920, his older brother, mother & father died when he was only 21. He was hit by a truck, left for dead in the road, found by a woman passing by was in a coma for a while, but survived. He played soccer as a goalie. During the German occupation of Poland he was forced to work in a quarry for a slice of bread per day of work. He also was a actor to "hide" from Nazis. The Pope spoke 11 languages! There is a lot of thing to tell about him after the wwII but more recently, he and Ron Reagan (pres) played an important roll in the downfall of Communism in Europe. The Pope Visited Comm. Poland. as 1 of his many travels. Poland at that time was restricted to the Communist State religion of Ateism (belief in no God) , to have a Catholic Mass was a crime. All Catholics were forced to worship in hiding. On the Popes 1st visit to Poland, 100s of thousands of people filed past the armed communist soldiers and political leaders. In Polish the people chanted "We forgive you!" as they walked to the venue where the Pope Was to appear. They forgave those who supperssed their Catholic religious beleifs And for all those who lost their lives for openly expessing their religion. This was the final blow to Communism in Poland and Eastern Europe. Soon after then Pres. Ragan said "Mr Gorbechev…tear down that wall" And it fell. Poland was free atlast to celebrate their Catholic religion. A true freedom prevailed.
What I have written does little justice to the life of the Pope. I hope it is acurate. Im not a historian. I only want to try to honor one of the greatest men of the century. Maybee even of all time. Please correct e if I am wrong on anything. feel free to add. Do you think The Pope will become a Saint? I would be surprised if he isn’t. He deserves it. I will Miss him dearly ! tg
Beautiful attribute to the Pope…… Thankful the Nuns shared their enthusiasm with you. I often wondered throughout the many years since graduation why you end up in the orphanage. My mother and her identical twin birth thru 12 years resided at Saint Gonzulical spelled wrong in Philadelphia on Church Rd.
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