I am still alive!!!

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I am sorry for not writing alot but I had to mave around the end of March and I am having trouble getting my phone hooked up. the The people who lived here last owed a large bill and think I am going to pay it.
I have plans to write more here but have no way to do it now. I am not living w/ex, we had "issues".
I still have my time with my Son Logan and thats what most important to me.
Keep stopping by from time to time, one day soon I will be able to write more often…thanks alot…tom g

6 Replies to “I am still alive!!!”

  1. Hello, good to hear from you again. How often do you get to see Logan? Hope your summer goes smoothly and you keep cool!

  2. hello there.. awww been sitting here reading your entries..
    awesomeeeee at how much one can show love huh.. i know i do that with my son also.. even though he is gonna be 19 soon.. he still and will always be "love of my life" as you put it.. smiles
    well have a wonderful evening.. take care..
    smiles and hugsss

  3. I was wondering what became of you!  Stop by again when you get a chance – look forward to catching up with you!

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  5. Good to know you will be blogging again. 
    Hope all is well with you, best of wishes,

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